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Nu behöver ni inte donera mer guld (om ni inte vill :confused: förstås.)

Så, vad skall partiet heta?

Vad skall vi ha som logga?

Duger detta som manifest?

"We are the [partinamn] and we are the future of India! We are the ONLY party in India interested in making life good for the ordninary citizen, the small guy, the man on the street - you and me.

We belive that EVERYONE should have equal opportunity to advance in this world, not just the corrupt, rich and powerful but also those who are unemployed, homeless and without food and healthcare.

Therefore our goals are to create a society in which the common citizen is respected and allowed to reach his or her full potential, and to build a stronger India that will once again stand as a respected member among nations.

To meet our common goals the [partinamn] are prepared to work with other parties, wherever their position of the left-right spectrum may be.

Citizen - Join us in our noble quest!"

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Nu behöver ni inte donera mer guld (om ni inte vill :confused: förstås.)

Så, vad skall partiet heta?

Vad skall vi ha som logga?

Duger detta som manifest?

"We are the [partinamn] and we are the future of India! We are the ONLY party in India interested in making life good for the ordninary citizen, the small guy, the man on the street - you and me.

We belive that EVERYONE should have equal opportunity to advance in this world, not just the corrupt, rich and powerful but also those who are unemployed, homeless and without food and healthcare.

Therefore our goals are to create a society in which the common citizen is respected and allowed to reach his or her full potential, and to build a stronger India that will once again stand as a respected member among nations.

To meet our common goals the [partinamn] are prepared to work with other parties, wherever their position of the left-right spectrum may be.

Citizen - Join us in our noble quest!"

Texten ser riktigt bra ut, men frågan är, vart står vi politiskt? vänster? höger? center? :( sen MÅSTE vi ha göran persson eller fredrik reinfelt som logga :)

EDIT: när jag tänker efter låter det som fredriks vallöften, men mer som sossehandlingar. är vi center måntro? isåfall tyckerj ag ett streck med en pil mitt på strecket (center du vet)

Redigerad av guardian
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Tea Party. :confused:

Haha! Snudd på fantastiskt imo! grin_896077_0.gif

Bombay Tea Party, kanske? :)


btw. Min och eXotics signatur:


[url="http://www.gtasajten.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=44230"][color="#FF0000"]Hjälp forumet att ta över Indien!![/color][/url][/size][/b][/center]

If ye want


Mig spelar det ingen roll vad det heter, bara jag får komma ifrån det här jävla landet någon gång! :(:):D


Om bara Kebab, Jazz, Sniper, Eudoros, DrStupid mfl kunde få ändan ur vagnen och joina!! 08zu_858992_0.gif

Redigerad av Umberto
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