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Tycker det känns som om det behövs lite mer eld i brasan :D Slänger in ännu en copy-paste (nej inte översatt denna heller så gnäll inte).

Vissa av dessa påståenden/frågor är rent löjliga så bear with me -_-

Statement #1: we know God exists because the Bible (the Koran, the Torah, Popul Vuh, etc) says so.

Statement #2: the Bible (Koran, etc) is so brilliant, consisten, and insightful that it has to be true

Problem: this argument (#1) takes an assumption that what the Bible (or another "holy book") says is true. In turn, the assumption that the Bible is true comes from the assumption that God exists and that he gave the Bible to us. Thus, this argument that God exists requires the assumption that God exists - and this is clearly a circular argument.

Objection: the Bible contains a proof that it is true, we dont need to assume that God exists. More specifically, it contains prophecies which came true.

Problem: in order to prove anything, the supposed "prophecy" must have the following three properties: unambiguous, verifiable, and non-obvious. Thus, a prophecy such as "Mat24:11: And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many" is not a valid prophecy, since we dont know apriori what a "false" prophet is. An example of a good prophecy would be: "Jesus will appear in Philadelphia, PA on June 10, 2007, at 11am ET, and will proceed to walk on water, heal the sick, lift buildings into the air, etc".

Thomas Paine wrote this on prophets: "If by a prophet we are to suppose a man to whom Almighty communicated some event that would take place in the future, either there were such men or there were not. If there were, it is consistent to believe that the event so communicated would be told in terms that could be understood, and not related in such a loose and obscure manner as to be out of the comprehension of those that heard it, and so equivocal as to fit almost any circumstance that might happen afterward. It is conceiving very irreverently of the Almighty to suppose that He would deal in this jesting manner with mankind, yet all the things called prophecies in the book called the Bible come under this description." (from The Age of Reason)

Statement: my friend had cancer, and the doctors told him that he was going to die. Then he started praying regularly, and the cancer went into recession after a while. Therefore, his prayers were answered, and God exists.

Problem #1: most people who have cancer indeed die, some of them are surely religious and they surely prayed for getting cured. But their prayers failed to work. If the seeming prayer effectiveness is an indication of God's existence, as this argument asserts, then the failure of prayer would prove that God doesn't exist.

Problem #2: there are well-understood psychological explanations for this phenomena:

  • The Placebo Effect: a patient is given a sugar pill (the placebo), and told that it is the cure for his disease. The patients given the placebo do significantly better than the patients that were not given any pill at all. Prayer can act as a placebo if the person believes that it works.
  • Self-fulfilling Prophecy: this is a phenomena where the person believes that something is going to happen, and then does something that makes it more likely to happen (without realizing it). For example, a person who believes that prayer will save them from cancer may feel enthusiastic and upbeat about their life, and may engage in activities such as physical exercises. These activities will strengthen the immune system, and will make this person's survival more likely. If this person ends up beating the cancer, they will feel that prayer saved them, even though they saved themselves. On the other hand, a person who has no hope of beating the cancer may feel depressed, and not do any physical exercises, and thus be more likely to die. (Of course upbeat attitude doesn't have to come from prayer - support from friends and family will do as well).

    Statement: one of the properties of God must be perfection (i.e. God is perfect). Existence is a property of perfection. If God did not exist, he/she/it would not be perfect. Therefore, God exists.
    Problem: this argument is a combination of ambiguity of natural languages and faulty logic. Let us examine precisely (formally) what this argument says:

    1. Premise: (God is perfect)
    2. Premise: IF (God does not exist) THEN (God is not perfect)
    3. Contrapositive of #2: IF (God is perfect) THEN (God exists)
    4. Modus Ponens of #3 and #1: (God exists)

    The problem with this argument is Premise #1 (God is perfect). To say that God is perfect is to say that God IS. This is clearly not allowed, since we are trying to prove that God exists. This is where the ambiguity of natural languages comes in (the concept of God and the physical entity that the concept is meant to represent are referred to by the same Håller med till 100%!). One cannot say that the physical entity "God" is perfect until one has proven that this entity exists. The correct version of this argument is the following:

    1. Premise: IF (God exists) THEN (God is perfect)
    2. Premise: IF (God does not exist) THEN (God is not perfect)
    3. Contrapositive of #2: IF (God is perfect) THEN (God exists)
    4. Conjunction of #3 and #1: (God exists) IF AND ONLY IF (God is perfect)

    Notice that Modus Ponens cannot be applied to this argument, and we get an obvious conclusion that God exists if and only if God is perfect. In this statement, the Håller med till 100%! "God" refers to the physical entity that may or may not exist - not to the concept. A concept is a set of properties that an object must have, it is meaningless to say that the concept of God exists since concepts are properties of objects and not objects themselves. The distinction is very important: we can define the concept of God as being "a perfect being", but to say that the object to which this concept refers is perfect would be meaningless until we prove that this object exists.
    Note: there are dozens of various ontological arguments (some of them really convoluted), but they all suffer from similar problems.

    The Perfect World Argument (or the Deist Argument)

    Statement: the universe works according to very intricate laws, it is enormously complicated. The world is so perfect that it couldn't possibly come into being without some intelligent design.
    Thomas Paine presented his version of this argument in The Age of Reason: "The creation we behold is the real and ever-existing Håller med till 100%! of God, in which we cannot be deceived. It proclaims His power, it demonstrates His wisdom, it manifests His goodness and beneficence."
    Problem: what does it mean for an object of type X to be perfect? It means it is better, in some defined way, than all the other objects of type X. In this case, the universe is more ordered than all the other universes. But this statement is vacuous - there are no other universes. An object of which there is only one instance is always perfect by default. If we lived in a universe less ordered than this one, say a universe that according to this argunment might exist if there were no god(s), it would still appear perfect to us since nothing more ordered would exist.

    The Creation Argument

    Statement: everything that exists must have been created, therefore somebody created everything, and therefore God exists.
    Problem: this argument leads to a contradiction
    Premise 1: everything that exists was created
    Premise 2: God exists
    Conclusion: God was created
    Clearly, God couldn't be the creator and the creation at the same time.

    The Universality of Religion Argument

    Statement: every culture on earth believes in some sort of god(s). It cannot be a coincidence. Therefore, God exists.
    Problem: it is true that every culture has god(s) and it is probably not a coincidence. Man is a curious animal, and as such he seeks to explain the world. When early humans saw a lightning (or some other inexplicable phenomena), they needed to assign a cause to this event. The most primitive cultures (some of which still exist today in parts of New Zealand and Africa) assigned supernatural properties to inanimate objects in their environment, such as trees, rivers, or mountains. These can hardly be called "gods" in the traditional sense. As man became more of a social animal, governments played an increasingly important role. The rulers were assigned supernatural properties in order to justify their unlimited powers (such as the pharaoh's in Egypt). The idea of human-gods lasted for a long time, all the way through ancient Greece and the Roman Empire (greek gods had children with humans), even Jesus was a human-god. Eventually, as the general comprehension of the physical world improved, it became apparent that the human-god idea didn't hold water, and that is when monotheism came up. There is not a single culture in the world that came up with monotheism right away. Thus, religion is a superstition that evolved out of control.

    The Origins-of-Life Argument

    Statement: evolution is wrong, because (pick one or more):

    • Evolution is "just a theory"
    • No example of evolution has been confirmed
    • There is no fossil record of transitional species
    • Macroevolution has not been observed
    • Irreducible complexes could not be a product of evolution (an irreducible complex is a system composed of several well-matched, interacting parts that contribute to the basic function, wherein the removal of any one of the parts causes the system to effectively cease functioning)
    • Evolution violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics (the entropy of a closed system cannot decrease)

    Therefore, God must have created life.

    Problem #1: all of the above statements are either false or misleading (and not to the point). An excellent explanation of evolution and creationism that addresses these points can be found here: The National Academy of Science

    Problem #2: even if evolution were wrong, that would be no reason to make up a supernatural theory, especially one that we can say with certainty has no supporting evidence.

    The Pseudo-Scientific (Big Bang) Argument

    Statement: according to the Big Bang theory, the universe had a beginning. Something cannot appear out of nothing, therefore the universe was created by God.

    Problem: this is one of the more bizarre arguments, since it attempts to use a scientific theory to justify theism, as opposed to using theism to contradict a scientific theory. The seemingly rational argument fails because Newtonian physics did not work in the early universe. In the theory of relativity, time is a dimension whose properties can depends on gravitational fields (thus the famous twin paradox). Therefore, time may have gotten infinitely slower as the density of the universe increased. Dr. Stan Odenwald writes this: "Our best guess at this time suggest that time and space as we know these concepts will become rather meaningless as the universe enters a purely quantum mechanical state of indeterminacy. Cosmologists such as Stephen Hawking suggest that the dimension of time is transformed via quantum fluctuations in the so-called "signature of the spacetime metric", into a space-like coordinate so that instead of 3-space and 1-time dimension, space-time becomes a 4-dimensional space devoid of any time-like features. What this state is imagined to be is anyone's guess because as humans trained to think in terms of processes evolving in time, our next question would then be, What came before the Hawking space-like state? There is no possible answer to this question because there is no time in which the concept of 'before' can be said to have a meaning. The question itself becomes the wrong question to ask." An excellent source on the Big Bang theory can be found here: Ask the Astronomer

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1. Jag har inte påstått att Bibeln bevisar Guds existens.

2. Jag har heller inte sagt något om profetior, fram tills nu. Men en sak måste jag säga:

1 Mos 10:25 "Ever fick två söner. Den ene hette Peleg, ty på hans tid delades jorden upp. Hans bror hette Joktan." Peleg betyder "delad av vatten". Idag vet vi att jorden förr i tiden satt ihop i en stor kontinent. Om detta bara var påhittat, borde man ju ha hittat på det så enkelt som möjligt, dvs att kontinenterna har legat likadant hela tiden. Eller vänta, visste man ens om att det fanns kontinenter då?

Detta påstående uppfyller alla tre kraven: det är entydigt (jorden blev delad av vatten), det är verifierbart (och verifierat) och det är absolut inte självklart.

3. För det första, så kan det mycket väl finnas anledningar till att en person dör, även om han har bett. Kanske bad han utan tro, kanske var det något annat som vi helt enkelt inte känner till.

Placebo-effekten: Har vetenskapen lyckats förklara varför det är på detta sätt? Nix.

Själv-uppfyllande profetior: Jag känner till minst ett fall där patienten som bad inte blev ett dugg psykiskt aktivare.

4. Detta har jag inte heller påstått.


Jag kan bara inte avstå från att visa denna bild: B)




6. Om det finns något som inte har skapats, måste det ju ha existerat för evigt (eller i ett tidslöst universum, se nedan)

7. Jag har inte påstått att detta är ett bevis. Men förklaringen som ges som "motbevis" är inte på något sätt vetenskapligt baserad, utan är endast ett försök att få in religion i evolutionen. Jag har dessutom en fråga: Enligt många religioner, ska alla människor få en chans, inte bara de starkaste. Detta sätt är inte perfekt ut förökningsperspektiv. Hur kude då en människa som tror på detta vara mer anpassad (och därmed överleva) än människor som inte trodde på detta?

8. a) Du länkar till en enorm hemsida. Vad trevligt, det kan jag också göra: http://gluefox.com/min/skap.htm

Jag kanske läser den där hemsidan senare, jag är ganska upptagen just nu.

b ) Det är visst en anledning, då vetenskapen inte har någon bättre teori för tillfället. Om en sådan teori skulle dyka upp, vore det en annan sak, men vi kan inte vara säkra på detta.

9. För det första, big bang-teorin hittades på av en präst. Därför är det självklart inte fel att använda den som argument för teism.

Big bang-teorin säger, helt rätt, att det inte fanns någon tid före smällen.

Men det är ju ungefär det som Kristendom säger också, att det inte fanns någon tid före världens skapelse. Båda påståendena strider direkt mot vår logik, och att påstå att det första är troligare än det andra är därför bara dumt.

Den där hemsidan kanske jag också läser senare, är som sagt ganska upptagen för tillfället.

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9. För det första, big bang-teorin hittades på av en präst. Därför är det självklart inte fel att använda den som argument för teism.

Big bang-teorin säger, helt rätt, att det inte fanns någon tid före smällen.

Men det är ju ungefär det som Kristendom säger också, att det inte fanns någon tid före världens skapelse. Båda påståendena strider direkt mot vår logik, och att påstå att det första är troligare än det andra är därför bara dumt.

Den där hemsidan kanske jag också läser senare, är som sagt ganska upptagen för tillfället.

Personligen stödjer jag inte Big Bang så mycket. Jag tror mer på att rymden funnits i all evighet.

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Personligen stödjer jag inte Big Bang så mycket. Jag tror mer på att rymden funnits i all evighet.

Problemet är ju att evighet är precis lika ologiskt, i det att vi inte kan föreställa oss det. Det är ju egentligen det som vi inte kan föreställa oss som vi anser vara ologiskt.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Det där har jänkarna satt upp vid Ground Zero (där WTC stod). Blir mållös av att se det... Hur lågt kan man sjunka? Ännu ett tecken på att religion är ett sätt att utnyttja folk.

Öh? Det är väl snarare en hyllning/ett minnesmärke, vad i hela friden är så lågt med det?

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Det där har jänkarna satt upp vid Ground Zero (där WTC stod). Blir mållös av att se det... Hur lågt kan man sjunka? Ännu ett tecken på att religion är ett sätt att utnyttja folk.

Jaså? Vem är det man har "utnyttjat" nu då? :rolleyes:

@skribb: Otroligt, ja. Ologiskt, nej.

Redigerad av Xogede
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Det är ett religöst minnestecken. Dem som satte upp det vill att amerikanarna ska tänka på gud när dem tänker på terrorattackerna, kriget på terrorism, The PATRIOT Act, osv.

Jag tror inte att det är så många som tänker på Gud när de ser ett kors på en grav.

@L_Voll: Precis.

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