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Eight Days


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Fet bump.

Fick ett sug av det här spelet idag, av nån anledning började jag tänka på trailern, sen letade jag, men då visade det sig att spelet är avbrutet.!

On June 4, 2008 Sony Computer Entertainment announced that Eight Days, along with The Getaway, was cancelled.[7] Sony released a statement on the cancellation-"This decision was made following an internal review of all games and it was deemed that with the incredibly strong list of exclusive first party titles coming up both this year and in the near future, resource should be reallocated to enhance those projects closer to completion".[7] Two weeks after the cancellation of Eight Days, President of Sony Computer Entertainment, Shuhei Yoshida, stated that the lack of an online mode in Eight Days was "part of the consideration" to cancel the game.[8] He also stated that the cancellation of Eight Days was not because it was not failing in production, but because Sony is increasingly moving towards online-supported games, and Eight Days did not fit that overall strategy.[8]
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Suck, riktigt surt. Såg fram emot spelet och började faktiskt fundera på vart det tog vägen.

Om man läser om det på wiki så verkade det bli jävligt fett!!

The game was to be set over the course of eight days, and to be set in eight different states, which would have made it the largest game map to date.[1] The game would have also included a real life clock.[1] If the game was being played at night, it would be night in the game.[1] You would have been able to choose between two characters, one "good" and one "bad".[1] In the "bad" characters storyline, he attempts to get revenge on a mob syndicate.[1] The other storyline would follow the "good" character, a detective searching for the same mob syndicate, after he kidnaps his son.[1] The two characters end up crossing paths, and eventually work together.[1]
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Eight Days verkade helt klart intressant, men The Getaway 3? Naah.

Med tanke på att både det första och andra spelet floppade så tror jag inte att trean skulle blivit någon hit.

WHAAAT?! The Getaway 1&2 är två av de spel som har bäst story i hela världen. Treans trailer såg för övrigt sjukt intressant ut.

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WHAAAT?! The Getaway 1&2 är två av de spel som har bäst story i hela världen. Treans trailer såg för övrigt sjukt intressant ut.

Jag har bara spelat det första spelet och storyn var det absolut inget fel på, men resten av spelet var inte så speciellt bra, tyvär.

Kommer ihåg hur frustrerande det kunde vara att förstå vart man skulle när blinkerserna bara blinkade hej vilt. :)

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