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Mystery screenshot purportedly of next Grand Theft Auto hits the web

A screenshot supposedly revealing the first glimpse of Rockstar's next-gen version of the biggest gaming franchise in the world, Grand Theft Auto, has been exposed.

The shot, pictured right, depicts a typical GTA-esque landscape featuring a large apartment building in the background, pedestrians to shoot at and, of course, cars to steal.

Scant details accompanied the picture when it was first posted on French website Jeux-France late yesterday, but they did reveal some interesting and unusual suggestions.

As well as predicting a first showing on PlayStation 3, the website suggested that the game would soon come to other next-gen consoles due to "online possibilities".

What this actually means is anyone's guess, but we like to think that the next GTA will have some kind of MMORPG-type element to it.

Jeux-France also claimed that the game will be six times larger than San Andreas, with 350 different cars, and would see players having to administrate fuel levels in the cars they drive.

Most odd though was a suggestion that, when literally translated, said the game would introduce a "system of creation of animals". No, we don't have any idea either... perhaps you breed dogs?

Naturally, when asked, Rockstar declined to confirm or deny the image's authenticity, unsurprisingly choosing to play the 'no comment' card.

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En bild som sägs vara från nästa GTA har dykt upp på den franska sidan Jeux-France. Rockstar Games var dock snabba på att kontakta sidan och säga att bilden inte alls kommer från nästa GTA, ett agerande som vi inte alls ser ofta hos Rockstar och som man kan ställa sig lite undrande till...

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3DSmax + photoshop.

Ser ut att vara en renderad scen gjord i 3dsmax. Sedan har väll användaren fixat till den i photoshop.

För det andra så har inte Gta 4 börjat produceras (Eller?), och de kan inte ha hunnit så långt precis efter att ha släppt Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Så jag är helt säker på att den är falsk.

Om detta nu skulle vara sant, som jag är helt säker på att det inte är, så skulle denna grafikmotorn förstöra spelkänslan, det skulle inte vara samma gamla GTA3D känslan då.

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