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Sega Mega Drive Ultimate Collection (XBox 360, PS3)


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Nu är den här! :innocent: Den ultimata Sega Mega Drive sammlingen. Med bla alla Sonic spelen :D , Phantasy Star I-IV ^_^ , Shinobi 1&3 :) , Golden Axe spelen, Streets of Rage spelen, Alien Storm :lol: , Altered Beast ^_^ , Ecco the Dolphin, Alex Kidd, Kid Chameleon :D mm. Över 40 klassiker. (saknar bara Wonder Boy. :( )

Full lista:

* Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle

* Alien Storm

* Alien Syndrome (arcade)

* Altered Beast

* Beyond Oasis

* Bonanza Bros.

* Columns

* Comix Zone

* Congo Bongo (arcade)

* Decap Attack

* Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine

* Dynamite Headdy

* ESWAT: City Under Siege

* Ecco the Dolphin

* Ecco: The Tides of Time

* Fantasy Zone (arcade)

* Fatal Labyrinth

* Flicky

* Gain Ground

* Golden Axe

* Golden Axe II

* Golden Axe III

* Golden Axe Warrior (Sega Master System)

* Kid Chameleon

* Phantasy Star (Sega Master System)

* Phantasy Star II

* Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom

* Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium

* Ristar

* Shining in the Darkness

* Shining Force

* Shining Force II: Ancient Sealing

* Shinobi (arcade)

* Shinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master

* Sonic 3D Blast

* Sonic & Knuckles

* Sonic Spinball

* Sonic the Hedgehog 1

* Sonic the Hedgehog 2

* Sonic the Hedgehog 3

* Space Harrier (arcade)

* Streets of Rage

* Streets of Rage 2

* Streets of Rage 3

* Super Thunder Blade

* Vectorman

* Vectorman 2

* Zaxxon (arcade)

Ni kan läsa mer om de olika spelen på Wikipediasidan.

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