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In o spela lite?

blir större chans för oss att vinna på race elelr arena ^_^

Det kan vi göra. btw. så här står det med Respekt ni som inte har läst länken jag postade förut.

Whenever you kill someone the game knows if you where in his gang or not. It calculates for every area, in which you are - for example Battery Point: is in Battery Point and in San Fierro.

If you where in his gang, you and your gang will loose 2 respect points.

If you have been in a different gang you will win 1 respect and he will loose one. If you are in a gang the gang will receive one respect, if not the player gets one extra.

You dont get respect from drive-bys and kills with helicopter rotors.

The (recent) respect is calculated for last 7 days. So it may be different or even more then total respect.

The gang with most recent respect in one area has captured it!

You also get respect from special events, like /race and /arena.

Redigerad av F4lk3N
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GTAT - Är det bättre än SA-MP? Gäng? Jag vill också vara med i gäng, hur funkar det? Ska jag installera SA-MP eller GTAT, vad spelar ni?

om du vill köra ska du instalera SA-MP

Själva servern heter GTAT, och man ska helt enkelt slåss mot andra "gäng" om respect och pengar och sånt

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