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Hej du din australienare, som för övrigt rimmar på zigenare. Fan det kan man skriva en hel dikt om som innefattar könsord!!! (:!!!:)

And in english!

Hi, Sweden is a non-brave nation that lets German walk across this nation to inavade Norway! :)

Är jag inte så jävla rolig?

Jodå, så in i h*lvete... Du ska dö för att du inte börjar skolan imorgon...

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Um, I'm here because I like GTA and I have alot of Swedish friends on the internet, so I started to learn swedish about 3 days ago and now I listen to swedish rap and I really like Sweden now, so that's why I came here.

I hope you guys don't mind me being here.

I can only say a few swedish words, but I'm learning more.

And I make alot of mods for vice city. One has already been posted here:


If you have MSN and you would like to help me learn some more swedish, then my email is: eetmorechikin2003@hotmail.com

Thank you. Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this.

Hi you said you keybord cant do theas letters watch "Sorry, my keyboard doesn't do these letters: åäö" But you do it when you say "And thanks to LindstrÖm too...Hmhm I maybe dont belive you sry you are not a Australian (:!!!:)

Redigerad av mackomonster
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Hi you said you keybord cant do theas letters watch "Sorry, my keyboard doesn't do these letters: åäö" But you do it when you say "And thanks to LindstrÖm too...Hmhm I maybe dont belive you sry you are not a Australian (:!!!:)

Well according to "visual rote" he is indeed located in Australia, how dare you question that? Grr.

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Enligt "Visual route" befinner han sig i Australien. Knappast troligt att han förfalskat sitt IP, hur man nu gör dte menar du?

Men om man har australensiskt tecken uppsättning kan man väll inte ens kopiera/klisstra in ÅÄÖ Har jag fel :"> ???

Vill ba säga Funny Jag beundrar dig du e bäst!!! Min favvo MOD de e grym rolig

Får jag bli MOD nu? :);):(

( (:!!!:) )

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