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Gtapimpfoolife:kul att du gillar stone roese men det finns betydligt mer att hitta än bara i wanna be adored!

Låtar du borde kolla upp:

Fools Gold

love spreads

Breaking into heaven


i am the resurection

Ett litet tips till er andra förutom stone roses som fler borde upptäcka:

the vines:

hela albumet highly evolved men kanske främst Mary Jane, 1969 och Homesick

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Artist: Bloodhound Gang

Låt: Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Album: Hefty Fine

Kommentar: Lyssna på låten och se videon!


Vulcanize the whoopee stick

In the ham wallet

Cattle prod the oyster ditch

With the lap rocket

Batter dip the cranny ax

In the gut locker

Retrofit the pudding hatch

Ooh la la

With the boink swatter

If i get you in the loop when I make a point to be straight with you then

In lieu of the innuendo in the end know my intent though

I brazillian wax poetic so pathetically

I don't wanna beat around the bush

Foxtrot Unifrom Charlie Kilo

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Marinate the nether rod

In the squish mitten

Power drill the yippee bog

With the dude piston

Pressure wash the quiver bone

In the bitch wrinkle

Cannonball the fiddle cove

Ooh la la

With the pork steeple

If i get you in the loop when I make a point to be straight with you then

In lieu of the innuendo in the end know my intent though

I brazillian wax poetic so pathetically

I don't wanna beat around the bush

Foxtrot Unifrom Charlie Kilo

Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo

Put the you know what in the you know where

Put the you know what in the you know where

Put the you know what in the you know where

Put the you know what in the you know where pronto

Redigerad av nor_adde
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Vettefan om jag tipsat om den men gör det nu.

Pink Floyd - Goodbye blue sky.

Did you see the frightened ones?

Did you hear the falling bombs?

Did you ever wonder

Why we had to run for shelter

When the promise of a brave new world

Unfold beneath the clear blue sky?

EDIT: haha! hade fan tipsat om låten på samma sida och allt! :wub:

Redigerad av Frenzy
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Vettefan om jag tipsat om den men gör det nu.

Pink Floyd - Goodbye blue sky.

Did you see the frightened ones?

Did you hear the falling bombs?

Did you ever wonder

Why we had to run for shelter

When the promise of a brave new world

Unfold beneath the clear blue sky?

EDIT: haha! hade fan tipsat om låten på samma sida och allt! ^_^

Du tipsade om den för fem poster sedan... :wub:

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