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Nya bilder!

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Fan va gött med nya bilder  men hoppas de har rätt också om att det ska finnas 12 småstäder. Mer än jag hade kunnat tänka mig. Finns det inte mer ny info i deras tidning eller ingen har lyckats/hunnit översätta än kanske?

Fire-new information and pictures too "San Andreas" SCREENFUN learned exclusively further parts of "GTA: San Andreas" know! That the successor of "GTA: Vice City" (dt. version) powerfully largely becomes clear, was. Like gigantically "San Andreas" actually will, of it can you now an impression make itself. During a skirt star presentation only for SCREENFUN hero CJ left for the first time the city and drove raus on the country - an absolute novelty in the GTA world! Players meet on twelve towns, funny new vehicles, tasks and figures. You find massively new pictures and information to the Knaller of the yearly in the six side Preview.


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