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Dragon Age III: Inquisition


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Nu har nästa Dragon Age blivit bekräftat!


  • The next game will be called Dragon Age III: Inquisition.

  • We won't be talking about the story of the game today. Though you can make some guesses from the title.

  • This game is being made by a lot of the same team that has been working on Dragon Age since Dragon Age: Origins. It's composed of both experienced BioWare veterans and talented new developers.

  • We are working on a new engine which we believe will allow us to deliver a more expansive world, better visuals, more reactivity to player choices, and more customization. At PAX East, we talked about armor and followers… Yeah, that kind of customization. We've started with Frostbite 2 from DICE as a foundation to accomplish this.

Redigerad av Mark
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Äntligen! :)

Verkar som det stämmer med det frågeformulär som Bioware ska ha skickat till vissa fans.

Enligt det så var handlingen:

"A world of chaos. The empire of Orlais is riven by civil war; the Chantry is divided; the Templar order has broken away; the Mage circles have rebelled. Some unseen force is manipulating events, bringing about disorder and destruction. Out of this confusion emerges The Inquisition.

Make your player a rogue, warrior or mage and set up your crew from up to ten complex companions to lead them against those who attack you by systematically spying on, revealing and destroying them."

På frågeformuläret var också bilder på companions som man skulle rösta på vilken man tyckte bäst om samt vilket namn man tyckte passade spelet bäst. Med tranke på att Dragon Age 3: Inquisition var med så verkar det som att frågeformulären var äkta.

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