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Texturer - Superfetch Vista/XP


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Detta är citerat från: http://www.gtaforums.com/index.php?showtopic=381443

Tänkte lägga upp topicen här eftersom det kan hjälpa några på vägen till ett bättre GTA: IV :whistling:

Används på egen risk. Varken jag eller topic "ägaren" står för ev. problem.

Superfetch för XP

If you have the problem that after 15 minutes of driving around, your textures start to disappear and don't come back, this is something you should read

A lot of performance tips include turning off Superfetch in Windows!

This 'tweaking' seems to be the cause of textures going missing after extended play. After turning my Superfetch back on, no more problems happened with my textures

Examples: Superfetch off:

When I drove for some time and the fog turned up at night I could set my clock I would loose my textures or anyway after playing more then 10 minutes for that matter:



With Superfetch back on:

Exact same situation (same save game) with Windows Superfetch turned on again




If you wish to check how your Superfetch is hanging, click start->run-> type services.msc , then press enter.

find Superfetch in the list and make sure it's on Auto instead of disabled.

If you change the setting to auto, make sure to reboot your machine

This fixed my issue of textures going missing after some time at play, and I hope this will work for you too. If not, it's not my fault so don't go yelling I wasted your time if it doesn't help you.


This is not my find, I just noticed some discussion on the Steam forums, and some positive feedback there. I didn't see it up here so I though: let's share!

Here is a link to the topic on Steam forums:

Click me!

At post number 23: The guy actually triggered the problem by disabling Superfetch, because he felt his HD was running to much. After his post several people report enabling Superfetch fixed their issue.



Redigerad av HiTek
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ladda ej ner det här gerejen segar ner gta iv rejält

Det är inget man laddar ner okunniga tomte.

Erm det är inge man laddar ner. Man går in och stänger av den där saken. Tydligen så finns den inte på services.msc för mig

Kanske för att trådskaparen inte vet att Superfetch inte existerar på XP :mf_doof:

okej men stäng inte av tack

På Vista lär det göra stor skillnad tror jag bestämt, så stänga av låter som en bra idé

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