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New Vice city 2004


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kan nån förklara steg för steg hur man lägger in NVC2004?


gör backup på text mappen i gtavc mappen, och main.scm i gtavc/data.

lägg in textmappen som följde med zippen du laddat ner, ersätt den, samma sak med main.scm, kopiera main.scm från zippen och ersätt den men orginal. sen är det bara att köra, fast du måste starta ett nytt spel för att det ska funka. -_-

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Vad är skilladen på Vanliga Vc och New Vice city 2004? :blink:

All features (på engelska)

----New cool texts and descriptions

----Taxicall: Tommy calls a taxi with his mobile wherever he is. taxi comes and brings Tommy to stari(not in a mission, 100$)

check the taxicall line

----The changed missions have now descriptions

----All the features of new vice city are described in the game in helptexts(pay always attention to captions and helptexts)

----No more bugs(a complete savegame included)

----New map icons for new features

----Buy indestructible new cars in WILDCARS in Sunshine autos(Jack delivers for 45000$) (wild cars icon)

----Some shiti missions have been removed (check the list)

----Vercetti gang drives Freeway

----Tommy can now sit down everywhere by pressing v(camera) on foot and to stand up v again

----Cinema widescreen by pressing c(crouch) on foot a few times, to deactivate it just again c

(very important dont save the game when widescreen is on)

----For 2000000$ Tommy can buy the policestation in Washington beach and after buying the police is

vercetti gang(DRIVING POLICECHEETAH) and no more wanted with normal skin and weapons in the policestation

----A lot of top cars in Sunshine Autos

----When Tommy is busted he starts in the cell of the prison in washington beach police station and must flee

----All missions available (Tommy gets calls for missions just in the begining)

----You can buy everything

----The top swat in stari drives now in the loading space of Barracks and shoot at police and other gangs except the vercetti gang

when Tommy is driving

(you must drive with a Barracks close to him and he will get in but u shouldnt get out,: important is if u get out of the car

and get in again then he will shoot no more by driving, so dont get out of the car)

Tip: activate the police mission in Barracks by prssing TAB when the swat is hired and he will shoot all the crimes

to hell you just have to drive

----Final after mission cop land

----In some missions the friends drive Tommy with a walton to the shooting areas and Tommy needs only to shoot

(check the line Drive as a passenger on the loading space of a walton)

----You can enter the hotel beside of malibu(go to the door there is an elevator-to go back in the street use the other door)

----In that hotel you also find Mr.Shrub

you can force Mr.Shrub to be your shootingfriend by going close to him

----2 swats in behind of the police station in Vice point for all jobs (8000$ for everyone you will need)

after the mission party

----No blocks in Vice city

----Some main characters will assemble in the villa after some missions and will be ready to become your shooting friend

(check the line shooting friends)

----In some missions Tommy will be driven to his targets by taxis, limos, helis...(check the line drive as a passenger)

----Mad man oversees know the villa after biker missions

---Star-camera: To activate the star-camera press the hornkey in a vehicle and to deactivate it press the hornkey again

(in a vehicle)

----In Starfish Haitians for more action(if u want them out then you must pass the boatyard mision)

----If Tommy gets in a car all doors are locked and to let someone get in just hold the handbrake(right mouse)

----Enter the bank from begin

----After the job mission (malibu) you can always repeat the mission the job

----New Starfish Sam villa in Stari to buy and after buying you get the boat, weappons and the top swat overseeing the villa

he also can be hired as a bodyguard with a Barracks

----After mission SIR YA SIR you can always buy an indestructible hunter for 50000$ in Villa (with us flag)

in stari, icon hunter action

----Clock is slower(1min=20secs) for better reality feelings

----After biker mission you can enter the bikerclub and have a free drink there, you find

also big John there for 40000$ (important: if you have hired him and want to go out you must walk

slowly to the door so he can follow you out)

----After lovefist missions you get a V.I.P card and can alway enter the concert hall

----you can check the speed and damage in your car

----Tommy can drink in Bar (front page cafe) beside of ocean hotel for 500$

----Almost all abilities are activated from begin( and after death row you get 200 health+200 armour)

----Tank and boat in the villa

----Always beautifull weather

----Heligarage in Himond in Down Town (no maverick there)

----3 bikers in beside of the club which are always on for a braw

----A paradise of guns in the army station with teargas too

----After the mission No ESCAPE you will never be wanted with police uniform

----New realistic wages after missions

----After final vercetti gang will have hardcore weappons like other gangs and all other gangs want to kill Tommy

----New hard weappons in the villa

----Mad man oversees know the villa after biker missions

----All vehicles need benzin to drive if the fuel is empty the car drives no more

there are 2 filling stations in washington beach and in little haiti(check the icons in the map)

---Ice mission only 10 deals to go

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Vad är skilladen på Vanliga Vc och New Vice city 2004? :blink:

ma får alla uppdrag i storyn samtidigt, man börjar på flygplatsen, kan åka taxi (man ringer äfter en) tanka bilen, hastighets mätare, damge mätare för bilar, skaffa livvakter, sånna som är med i storyn( t ex ken rosenberg, candy suxx, och demdär) kan sitta ner vanligt, köpa skottsäkra bilar hoss sunshine autos ( t ex Banshee osv) huvud karakärer kan stå o snacka på gatan, t ex diaz med livvakter, man kan köpa polisstationen så ens gäng killar åker i cheetah (polis cheetah) och innan man köppt polisstationen åker dem på freeway's. köpa fler hus, det står uppe i hörnet när endel hus är till salu t ex "a big villa on starfísh island with boathyard for sale" -_-

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hur sätter man sig ner?

och hur åker man taxi?

Man sätter sig ner genom att trycka på B.

Man åker taxi genom att ställa sig på gatan, trycka på scrollhjulet (eller knappen du tittar bakåt på, scroll och Caps t.ex.) och vänta tills den kommer.

Han går in i den av sig själv.

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Man sätter sig ner genom att trycka på B.

Man åker taxi genom att ställa sig på gatan, trycka på scrollhjulet (eller knappen du tittar bakåt på, scroll och Caps t.ex.) och vänta tills den kommer.

Han går in i den av sig själv.

jag prövade trycka på B när jag satt i trappor och på bilar fast det funkar inte -_-

det med taxin funkar inte heller :blink:

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ma får alla uppdrag i storyn samtidigt, man börjar på flygplatsen, kan åka taxi (man ringer äfter en) tanka bilen, hastighets mätare, damge mätare för bilar, skaffa livvakter, sånna som är med i storyn( t ex ken rosenberg, candy suxx, och demdär) kan sitta ner vanligt, köpa skottsäkra bilar hoss sunshine autos ( t ex Banshee osv) huvud karakärer kan stå o snacka på gatan, t ex diaz med livvakter, man kan köpa polisstationen så ens gäng killar åker i cheetah (polis cheetah) och innan man köppt polisstationen åker dem på freeway's. köpa fler hus, det står uppe i hörnet när endel hus är till salu t ex "a big villa on starfísh island with boathyard for sale" :rolleyes:

Ok verkar coolt! kanske nått man ska testa. :rolleyes:

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