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Red Dead Redemption DLC Liars & Cheats release




Liars and Cheats Pack includes:

  1. Multiplayer Poker and Liars' Dice Games -- One of the most fan-requested features comes to multiplayer.
  2. Multiplayer Horse Races -- Ride out against your friends and foes online - with mounted combat guns blazing.
  3. The Explosive Rifle -- A devastatingly destructive new weapon with its own new single-player and multiplayer challenges.
  4. 7 New Gang Hideouts -- Posse up and take on the new Hideouts together to level up quickly.
  5. 4 New Hunting Grounds -- New Hunting Grounds are now visible on the map for all to see, with some of the most action-packed wildlife hunting yet.
  6. Stronghold Competitive Multiplayer Mode -- Teams take turns in attack and defense in multi-tiered Competitive games.
  7. Posse Scoring and Leaderboards -- Compare stats with other posses and compete to see who are the kings of the Free Roam frontier.
  8. Plus, 15 additional multiplayer characters from the Red Dead Redemption storyline are being made available as multiplayer characters, and more all-new Achievements and Trophies.

Det kommer kosta 800 Microsoft Points eller $9.99


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